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Route 66 to Vietnam ISBN 978-1596300002
 This novel takes characters from earlier works in the Route 66 Novel Series farther west than Los Angeles, official destination of the famous highway, Route 66.  Mark Landon and Billy Rhodes find the values they grew up on challenged by America's role in Southeast Asia.  But elements of their upbringing represented by the Mother Road also sustain them in ways they could never have anticipated.

Politically Correct Economics  A Semantic Primer for Realistic Radicals -Selling the same old Socialism under the banners of "Hope" & "Change" ISBN 978-1596300224 A light-hearted entertaining look at the origins of the financial crises during the Obama years. 222 pp. in print. Includes a basic review of politically correct terminology, an allegorical review of how the American banking system works, a collection of politically correct bumper sticker slogans, a review of American financial history, and numerous quotations from our esteemed leaders.

Other People's Money. The difference between Charity and Theft. The difference between noble and nefarious. Have you noticed that people who are most generous with your money are most stingy with their own? Socialists hate private charity, because they want to spend your money on what they want, not on what you want. Voluntary programs are less subject to abuse because the donor can refuse to give. "Entitlements" are a license to demand and to steal. Socialism produces a nation of leeches "entitled" to use the force of government to help themselves to "free" food, housing, and medical care at your expense. Why work? A light-hearted entertaining look at the origins of the current financial crisis. Includes a basic review of politically correct terminology, an allegorical review of how the American banking system works, a collection of politically correct bumper sticker slogans, a review of American financial history, and numerous quotations from our esteemed leaders. If you think Socialism is great stuff and you do not have a robust sense of humor, This probably isn't for you. But if you are one of the vast number of Americans who prefer freedom and want to spend your own money, you'll like this book.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases:Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention-2nd Edition
Assembled and Edited by R.J.Banis, PhD, (2006) ISBN  978-1888725582  About half of all people in the United States will have an STD at some point in their lives. Most STDs are treatable or curable, but most people are unaware they are infected as they don't recognize the symptoms. This book will help you to recognize the symptoms, seek treatment if necessary, and reduce risk of exposure. Illustrated with more than 70  illustrations and photographs of lesions. An extremely important and valuable reference for anyone who is sexually active. 

Second Edition.Sexually Transmitted Diseases Concern Everyone Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates about 65 million Americans are living with a sexually transmitted disease (STD). About half of all people will be infected by an STD sometime in their lifetimes. More than 19 million new cases occur each year In the United States, almost half of them among young people aged 15 to 24. Each year, one in four teens contracts an STD. As many as one in four Americans have Genital Herpes, and up to 90% are unaware that they have it. Each year in the United States, more than $13 billion is spent on major STDs including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). All STDs can be improved by treatment, and some can be cured, but many people who are infected don't recognize the symptoms. This book gives information primarily from official government medical sources on the most common STDs extant in the United States, including description of symptoms, more than 70 figures and photographs, what to do to reduce risk of exposure, and what to do if you think you might have been exposed. If you are concerned, then do something. Inactivity and ignoring information will not make it better. Buy this book and share it with your friends. Illnesses like STDs will only thrive in darkness and ignorance.

AVOIDING Attendants from HELL 2nd Edition!
AVOIDING Attendants from HELL is a comprehensive, "how to" guide for individuals who are physically disabled as well as professionals, caregivers and supportive family members involved in the independent living process.

At some point in our lives, we will all experience the limitations of a disability. Be it a broken bone, stroke or genetic disease, we may need assistance performing those everyday tasks often taken for granted: bathing, brushing our teeth, tying our shoes. Fortunately, most people recover from their injuries and regain full independence. Others, however, are not as lucky. AVOIDING Attendants from HELL- A Practical Guide to Finding, Hiring & Keeping Personal Care Attendants is a how-to guide for those who require life-long assistance with personal care and daily living tasks due to a physical disability. Although these individuals may never be able to go without help, they can learn to manage their care, allowing a greater degree of independence. Toward this end, the disabled individual must learn how to find, hire and keep those paid to assist them: the Personal Care Attendant. The book's author, June Price, has required personal care assistance since birth due to spinal muscular atrophy, a rare neuromuscular disease. Since moving into her first apartment in 1980, she has maintained an independent lifestyle. Her experience managing part-time and live-in help is documented in this clear, concise guide. AVOIDING Attendants from HELL - A Practical Guide to Finding, Hiring & Keeping Personal Care Attendants is a "must read" book for anyone who requires personal assistance services.

The Stress Myth ISBN 978-1888725360 Stress-The 'Epidemic' of the 20th Century Numerous claims have been made about the evils of stress. As a result, advice on how to cope with 'the epidemic' of the 20th century has abounded. Interest in the concept of stress has generated studies in many varied areas of research which have included Psychology, Sociology, Immunology, Neurology, Cardiology, and Human resources. In bringing together the findings from most of these disciplines, this book is the first to tell the whole, complete story about stress. This book is also unique because, unlike most books on stress, it challenges the usefulness and validity of the concept of stress. The author has systematically investigated most of the claims that have been made about stress and has carefully argued and demonstrated that they cannot be substantiated. In addition, he offers a simpler and more adequate explanation of what takes place when people feel they are 'stressed'. Such an approach makes it possible to address the problem rather than the symptoms. "Serge Doublet has effectively, through his critical, and at times, most detailed examination of available evidence, demolished the concept of stress as a useful scientific construct." Professor Trevor Parmenter Royal Rehabilitation Centre Ryde Australia


  Silver Quill Award Winner! ISBN 978-1-59630-031-6 The Spy with a Clean Face (2008)  Charlie Connelly is an average corporate executive, with three children and a home in the suburbs�as well as almost forgotten ties to the Central Intelligence Agency. He suddenly finds himself working on a NGO project in recently independent Ukraine during the Orange Revolution. Once there, he is again contacted by the Agency, and tasked to locate and eliminate a defecting American spy before he can conclude the sale to Iran of Ukrainian owned missiles. paperback, 5�X8�, 300pp, $18.95  

Russell Miller has adeptly applied fictional flesh to a factual skeleton in a far-ranging tale of deceit and betrayal. The narrative twists and turns through Latin American and Asian locales as the search for a rogue agent ultimately leads to the Chernobyl dead zone; while the newly independent Ukrainian Government teeters precariously between East and West.Charlie Connelly is an average corporate executive, with three children and a home in the suburbs-as well as almost forgotten ties to the Central Intelligence Agency.He is unexpectedly reminded of this past association when approached by his former recruiter, accompanied by a stunning female agent. Their seemingly innocent request for assistance eventually leads Connelly, Ludlum-like, through the brightly lighted board-rooms and dimly lit backstreets of Maracaibo, Medellin, Tianjin, and Kiev as he becomes inexorably enmeshed in a murky realm of foreign intrigue.Eventually betrayed by the political maneuverings of a besieged intelligence agency, and abandoned by his own company, Charlie finds himself working on a NGO project in recently independent Ukraine during the Orange Revolution. Once there, he is again contacted by the Agency, and tasked to locate and eliminate a defecting American spy before he can conclude the sale to Iran of Ukrainian owned missiles

ISBN: 978-1-59630-017-0 I Like to Run Too--Two Decades of Sitting. A memoir of growing up with a physical disability. Stacy Zoern (2007)  This is the incredible success story of Stacy Zoern, who was born with a neuromuscular impairment and her perseverance to adapt to and overcome the limitations as she grew up to earn a B.A. in philosophy and psychology from the University of Texas and then went on to get a J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law. She is now practicing law for an intellectual property firm, and handling disability discrimination cases on the side.
My Mother, My Friend-- The Story of Captain George Burk and his love for his mother Copyright � 2006 George Burk � 440 pages � paperback � $32.95 plus shipping ISBN 1-888725-09-5 (perfect bound paper)

Spiritual Journeys in Prayer and Song with music CD, Reverend Peter Unger, 2006. Short Christian meditations written to accompany contemporary songs on CD  ISBN 978-1596300934 (regular print edition without CD) paperback 5�X8�, 185 pp, $14.95

Elmer�s Ethics a Pennsylvania Dutch Biography  978-1596300644  The Story of Elmer Barron is more than the story of one man. It is an extraordinary example of a man raised in a simple environment who lived 96 years of a full and wholesome life encapsulating virtues that we should all emulate. This book, by Elmer's Pastor, Rev. Peter Unger, is a tribute--and an attempt to capture the unique Spirit of a close friend, mentor, father figure, and church member all rolled into one. The lessons that flow from Elmer's life are day-to-day examples of ethical living. The biography is skillfully woven into a theological context as an uplifting example worth studying in detail as a guide for living our own lives.

Winners and Losers-Collected Stories-Charles F. Rechlin (2005).  a collection of humorous short stories portraying misadventures of attorneys, stock brokers, and others in the Urban workplace. ISBN 1-59630-002-7  BeachHouse Books Edition 5�X8�, 185 pp $14.95

  HOW TO TRAVEL in Britain & Northern Ireland : a guidebook for visitors with a disability � Fred Rosen (2006) Legal environment, tips, checklists and contacts for accessible travel in the U.K. ISBN 1-888725-47-8, 5�X8�, 180 pp, $16.95

ISBN: 1-59630-006-X   Sometimes MS is Yucky-(2005)Kimberly Harrold, Illustrated by Eric Whitfield. Colorful 32-page booklet for Children 3-8 who have a parent or loved one with Multiple Sclerosis. A helpful tool for parents, caregivers, teachers and counselors.  $19.75

ISBN 1-888725-49-4,  50 Things You Didn't Learn in School�But Should Have: Little known facts that still affect our world to-day  by John Naese (2005).    5�X8�, 200  pp, illustrated. $16.95
50 Things will let you in on the stuff that your high school teachers did not have time to teach you - or did not want you to know.
On what is covered in history class...
"Some high school students also get a year of world history, but that is usually contained in a "World Cultures" class, which goes into great detail about village life in the Amazon jungle, but does not tell you a lot you need to know to understand the sweep and grandeur of world history."
On democracy...
"The Romans, always stealing from the Greeks their best ideas, came up with the Roman Republic, which had senators representing the interests of groups of voters. This, of course, worked great until Julius Caesar came along and made the place a dictatorship."
On corporations...
"Corporations respond to demand for what they sell. If there is greater demand, they hire more workers. When demand lessens, they lay off some workers. It's called the business cycle, not "the evil corporate plot to abuse America's workers."
Read this, and you'll learn:
The US is not a democracy.
Electric cars pollute.
Corporations don't pay taxes.
The United States did not lose the Vietnam War.
All the important world news used to be covered in 15 minutes.
Deaths in the US: Ted Kennedy's car - 1; US nuclear power plant accidents - 0.
Guns in civilian hands save many more lives than they take.

It's meant to be provocative; it's meant to be an education. But mostly, it's meant to be fun to read. So have fun, enjoy, and learn something you probably didn't know.

ISBN 1-888725-64-8 The Gift of the Magic-and other enchanting character-building stories for smart teenage girls who want to grow up to be strong women. Richard Showstack, (2004)  5� X8�, 145 pp, $14.95  Includes The Wise Old King, a story that was read by Dr. Laura Schlessinger on the Dr. Laura show. "Teaching and Reaching Without Preaching (or Screeching)" The teenage years are a period when young people want to experiment, grow and try new things at the same time that they are not only going through emotional growing pains but are also extraordinarily hypersensitive to anyone (but especially a parent!) giving them advice. (As the saying goes: "You can always tell a teenager...but you can't tell him much!") These stories will not only provide pleasure and a gentle "heads up" warning about some wrong turns on the road of life but will also hopefully inspire conversations between children and their parents about the stories' subject matter and life lessons. As one early reviewer said, "The world needs more of this!"

ISBN 1-888725-66-4. A Horse Named Peggy-and other enchanting character-building stories for smart teenage boys who want to grow up to be good men. Richard Showstack, (2004) ) 5� X8�, 145 pp, $14.95  "Teaching and Reaching Without Preaching (or Screeching)" The teenage years are a period when young people want to experiment, grow and try new things at the same time that they are not only going through emotional growing pains but are also extraordinarily hypersensitive to anyone (but especially a parent!) giving them advice. This can make the teenage years a time of stress, not only for the person in question but also for their parents, who hate to see their child suffer through mistakes but also know that "preaching" to them will do little good. (As the saying goes: "You can always tell a teenager...but you can't tell him much!") Based on his own experiences (read: "mistakes") as a teenager (and post-teenager), Richard Showstack's stories serve up a large portion of wisdom sweetened with a teaspoon of fantasy and seasoned with a pinch of magic. His two books, The Gift of the Magic and A Horse Named Peggy, teach - and reach - teenagers without preaching to-or screeching at-them. The stories will not only provide pleasure and a gentle "heads up" warning about some wrong turns on the road of life but will also hopefully inspire conversations between children and their parents about the stories' subject matter and life lessons. As one early reviewer said, "The world needs more of this!"

ISBN 1-888725-92-3 Ellos Pasaron por Aqui � 99 New Mexicans and a Few Other Folks A compilation of stories from old time New Mexico covering over 100 of the area's most colorful characters. Sometimes violent, sometimes humorous, but always entertaining, informative and well-researched by New Mexico's law-enforcement historian, Don Bullis
(2005),  6� X 8�, 350 pp, $16.95

ISBN 1-888725-74-5, 6�X8�, 280 pp, $18.95  Questionnaires--Practical Hints on How to Avoid Mistakes in Design and Interpretation--By T.L.Brink   Buy this book before you implement that expensive survey! Questionnaires is a practical guide to questionnaire design and interpretation with a problem-solution format. This book is different from others on this topic in that it is designed to be immediately helpful for people who have real-world constraints of budgets and deadlines. It focusses on eliminating costly errors in design rather than extensive theoretical aspects. The book is for people who have a need to design questionnaires: those who work in marketing research, public relations, opinion polling, and human resources. Questionnaires will be of practical use to executives in business, governmental, and not-for-profit organizations who have to make decisions based upon data from surveys. While it is not designed primarily for scholars and professors of research methodology its straightforward explanations should be immediately useful to students in graduate programs requiring a thesis for degrees in Business, Public Administration, Public Health, Psychology, and Sociology.,

ISBN 1-888725-59-1   Value Centered Leadership�A Survivor's Strategy for Personal and Professional Growth�Captain George A. Burk (2004)  Principles of Leadership & Total Quality Management applied to all aspects of living., 6�X8�, 120 pp, $16.95 
Change will happen. If you don't do what it takes to manage change, then change will manage you. Who should buy this book? "This book should be required reading in every Management 101 course. An easy read that gets right to the point. This is definitely one stop shopping for developing your personal, business and professional relationships." Michael Kazyak, Dow Corning Security Director, Midland, Michigan 'George Burk is ...the personification of courage and tenacity that stands tall in your memory, and can linger a lifetime. George Burk...possesses a special gift. He inspires greatness through one's own efforts.... he truly understands the concept of what a leader really is, and there are precious few like him among us today." Thomas P. Morrissey, Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal (Retired), Phoenix, Arizona "Not only are his thoughts a must for the work place, they also have a distinct relevance to our personal lives. The only thing better than reading Captain Burk's articles is to be able to hear him in person." Helen Johnson, Executive Director, State Firemen's & Fire Marshals' Association of Texas, Austin, Texas "This book is filled with concepts that will improve a business.... managers will be better managers, employees will be more fulfilled, and the net result will be a better bottom line." Deborah Adams, CPA, Adams, Kvittem-Barr & Assoc. CPAs, LLP, Scottsdale/Carefree, Arizona "George Burk brings...a unique perspective....he offers insightful advice, enriched by humor, that many will enjoy and benefit from." Stanley Caine, President, Adrian College, Adrian Michigan

  ISBN: 1-888725-94-X  Journey to a Closed City with the International Executive Service Corps by Russell R. Miller--Regular size print edition.    $16.95
Journey to a Closed City with the International Executive Service Corps describes the adventures of a retired executive volunteering with the senior citizens' equivalent of the Peace Corp as he applies his professional skills in a former Iron Curtain city emerging into the dawn of a new economy. This book is essential reading for anyone approaching retirement who is interested in opportunities to exercise skills to "do good" during expense-paid travel to intriguing locations. Journey to A Closed City should also appeal to armchair travelers eager to explore far-off corners of the world in our rapidly-evolving global community.  

ISBN: 1-888725-05-2     How to Travel-A Guidebook for Persons with a Disability  $14.95  There are about 43 million persons in the USA with some form of disability. Many of these people are concerned that they may not be able to enjoy the same activities, such as travel, that people without a disability do. This book is written as a guidebook to your rights and will present information on how to travel to accommodate various disabilities. Prior to 1986, little or no attention was paid to a person with a disability who wanted to travel. Since 1986, two acts have been passed by the Congress of the United States mandating that travel should be made equally available to all persons, disabled or not. The first act, the Air Carriers Access Act (ACAA), passed in 1986, defined what air carriers and airports must do to make aircraft and airports accessible to persons with disabilities. The second act, the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, defined, among its many regulations, what public transportation and accommodations must offer to make their facilities accessible to persons with disabilities. The Act also states that facilities must be made accessible if it is not too difficult or expensive. The ADA does not mandate that the facilities be made usable. Fred Rosen has systematically defined rights and precautions to make traveling with a disability more accessible, affordable, and safe

ISBN: 1-888725-26-5     How to Travel in Canada- with a Disability $16.95  Practical advice for traveling to and in Canada for people with disabilities of various sorts. Includes information on accessibility of various modes of travel and accommodations, legal rights, sorts of help to expect and who to call. The book also provides preparation and medical checklists specific to international travel between US and Canada.

ISBN: 1-888725-68-0    The Job--Eric Whitfield's account of self-discovery following the death of his Grandfather (October 2001)  $14.95   If you have lost someone close to you, this is an important book to read and  share.

Read the personal note from the Publisher:
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

I was particularly ready at the time Eric Whitfield shared this book�his first�with me.

My father-in-law had just died, and my wife, my daughters and I were in Wyoming for his funeral.  Andy was a  good friend. I'll always remember his gentle support throughout the years of joys and trauma we shared�but he had suffered. It was Andy's time to go�and Death came as a friend.

Harold Kushner's two books�When Bad Things Happen to Good People, and How Good Do We Have to Be�comforted me. Kushner observed that "Our memories give immortality to those we love."
Relationships don't die as our bodies do.

Eric Whitfield's The Job is an extraordinarily poignant vehicle for this message. As I read this short book, threads of imagery began to pull together in the middle and when I came to the end, the message hit home, as an emotional wave I should have seen building engulfed me.

There is a purpose and a time for everything.

If you have lost someone close to you, it is a time for you to read The Job, or perhaps it is a time to give this book to someone you love.

Robert J. Banis, PhD
St. Louis Missouri, July, 2001

ISBN: 1-888725-16-8     The Bridge Never Crossed--A Survivor's Search for Meaning  $16.95  "The Bridge Never Crossed is the incredible story of George Burk's survival of a tragic plane crash, the unlikely series of events that saved his life, and his inspirational refusal to die . . . George has spent the balance of his life sharing what he has learned about work, leadership, faith, and the true meaning of 'quality of life'. He believes that angels walk among us. I believe that George is one of them." Joe Howard, Fire Chief, Rowlett, Texas "[George Burk's] determination and professionalism are examples for all of us to follow." A. M. Gray, General, U. S. Marine Corps, Commandant of the Marine Corps "What would happen if your life was a living hell? Read this book. George Burk has been to hell. Sharing his experiences and putting into perspective the precious commodity called 'life'. George shows us that when there are two outs in the bottom of the ninth, the game is far from over." Michael Kazyak, Dow Corning, Midland, Michigan "Thank you, George, for sharing your journey with us. You do make a difference in people's lives . . . I know, because you've made a difference in mine." Helen L. Campbell, Executive Director, State Firemen's & Fire Marshals' Association of Texas "Reading his book will rekindle your emotions, enhance your perspective, and very possibly change your life." Buck Riley, Basketball Coach, Adrian College, Adrian, Michigan "I thought I was going to be writing about a plane crash victim who had survived. Instead, I wrote about a survivor who had triumphed . . . Burk survived by reaching deep inside himself to a place he never knew existed and finding an energy he never knew he had. It is a place he has tapped many times since the crash. With characteristic courage, enthusiasm, and compassion, Burk shares his story, so that we may find our special place, too." Deborah Weisberg, Reporter, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

 ISBN: 1-888725-33-8      Plague Legends- From the Miasmas of Hippocrates to the Microbes of Pasteur. $24.95  Professionals, students and all medical history buffs will be indebted to Socrates Litsios' new book Plague Legends: from the Miasmas of Hippocrates to the Microbes of Pasteur for providing an easy access to a treasure of information. This finely crafted, scholarly book traces the long 2000 years of western civilization during which philosophy, literature, and the arts flourished but medical science remained a confused, often dangerous, body of ignorance. Litsios' book presents an expert account of what the discovery of microbes and their pathogenic potentials meant to human health. Robert S. Desowitz, PhD, DSc (Lond.) Emeritus Professor of Tropical Medicine and Medical Microbiology, University of Hawaii Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

ISBN: 1596301090  The Way It Was-Nostalgic Tales of HotRods and Romance 2nd Edition- by Chuck Klein,Regular size print edition.  $18.95
This is the Way It Was: "... A book so masterfully written, you can almost smell new upholstery on the street rod. This is definitely the best read..." Paul Taylor, Publisher. Route 66 Magazine "... hours of delightful entertainment.... If this is your first time reading Chuck Klein, it�s just like eating chocolate. Once you have the first bite, you know you�ll be coming back for more" Carl Cartisano, Cruisin' Style Magazine ...a new American classic, conjuring up images of good, clean fun for the "hot-rodders" of yesterday and today....a fun, fast read that appeals to the kid in all of us." -- Aaron Lasky, Hot Rod DeLuxe, CK DeLuxe, & Kingpin Magazines "Your book is great. You have captured the feel and texture of the 'fifties in each story. It's a wonderful read ...which accurately portrays and preserves the magic of the era". Dusty Rhodes, WSAI Radio, Cincinnati "Bet you can't read just one." Mike Lund, author of the Growing Up on Route 66 Series of Novels.  
This 2nd Edition includes the original fiction short stories plus new tales with the addition of a number of true accountings that read like fiction. Most of these stories, fiction and non-fiction alike, have seen publication previously in various magazines and books, some many times. Though a few were under different titles and slightly altered story lines. All of the stories in this book are historically and technically correct and are void of graphic sex, drugs, alcohol and explicit language. Though car-intensive, many are boy-gets-girl type love stories. Some of my Walter Mitty/Felsen style scenarios are based on actual happenings and events. These only-in-America fictional yarns most likely did occur...or should have. Of the non-fiction accountings -- they are true to the word.

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  ISBN: 1-888725-82-6  The Cut--Regular size print edition.  Football, Mystery and Mayhem in a highschool setting by John Evans  $18.95  "...A runaway train ride through a plot rich with suspense and insight ...probes the values and mores of a society in a manner that is both entertaining and disturbing ... a wonderful book from a master storyteller." -Edwin Romond, Poet, author of Home Fire, Macaroons, and Blue Mountain Time "Fast-paced, suspenseful, and filled with the kind of action today's teenagers crave. The Cut races like a locomotive from beginning to unexpected ending, hardly allowing the reader to catch his breath. This book is a real page-turner!" "Highly recommend it to fans of suspense fiction and anyone who just likes a good yarn." -Mike Boushell, novelist. Freshman Flash, Gridiron Hero, and Freshman Five. "....Excellent, fast paced novel of male bonding by a writer who knows how to keep his reader on edge and hungry for more." -William Marley Award winning playwright: "Black Jesus," "The Perfect Place," "Glorie Be!" 

ISBN: 1-888725-84-2   Riverdale Chronicles--Regular size print edition. --Life, living and character studies in the setting of the Riverdale Golf Club by Charles F. Rechlin   $14.95  
The Riverdale Chronicles is a collection of humorous short stories chronicling the misadventures of the members and staff of a fictional suburban country club. Although written as stand-alone pieces, the stories are related by both characters and themes. Many of the pieces are presented from the point of view of the club's professional, and a number of the characters appear in more than one story. Further, although the collection is organized according to standard golf-related "topics"-for example, "The Equipment" and "The Rules"-each story involves a theme or themes, such as friendship, charity, aging and dealing with change, traditional to sports literature, using the characters and setting as proxies for discussing more universal human issues. 

ISBN: 1-888725-75-3   Bloodville --Regular size print edition. Fictional adaptation of the Budville, NM murders by New Mexico crime historian, Don Bullis.  (May  2002)  $14.95 Fictional adaptation of the Budville, NM murders by New Mexico crime historian, Don Bullis. "What Don Bullis has done with this novel is intertwine a very accurate weave of murder, police and politics in New Mexico. Don is the single most knowledgeable writer on New Mexico law enforcement history, practices and personalities. He should be - he's worked for many years in New Mexico state and local policing. Bloodville has the steel on steel ring of unflinching truth told in a style and setting which makes this book difficult to lay aside for silliness such as meals or work. Outstandingly entertaining, thoroughly accurate and sobering as well - I recommend Bloodville to folks both inside and outside policing. -William Kuehl William Kuehl is a former New Mexico State Police captain, a retired municipal police administrator and has directed local, state and international law enforcement academies.
ISBN: 1-888725-44-3 Me and My Shadows - Shadow Puppet Fun for Kids of All Ages Adams/Banis $12.95  Remember that drum set you bought your nephew for Christmas a few years ago? Your brother does. Aside from being expensive, amusements like drum sets and pianos are hard to carry around with you and take many hours of painful practice to learn. In Me and My Shadows there is a gift that is easy to learn, educational, physically beneficial, and always "right at hand" to provide amusement. It is fueled by your imagination. Buy this book. Give it to your nephew for his birthday. Buy several. Don't neglect your niece. Your relatives will be pleased and excited by this gift that will give endless pleasure and amusement to children of all ages. Where else could you find something this good? It's even a perfect gift to give to yourself! Think of the hours of enjoyment you can have by developing a few simple skills and having the portfolio of characters in this book at your command! Me and My Shadows is much better than a drum set and, for many, will bring back memories of a simpler time when entertainment was in your own hands. This is a fun book! During the Christmas Season, Me and My Shadows has typically been in the top three sellers for childrens' crafts. but there's more! Me and My Shadows has a big brother! The enhanced edition for just a few dollars more (kindle book B00AV2QOXY, paperback ISBN 978-1481954228 ) includes Practical Paper Pastimes as well! fun stuff like paper puppets,hats, secret messages and paper towel tricks. Both editions are also available in paperback--popular as inexpensive gifts that keep on giving - for years of entertainment. This is the kind of classic book your kids will remember forever. buy it, it doesn't cost much, either. Or go take a look at the big brother, ISBN 9781481954228 with Practical Paper Pastimes.

Me and My Shadows Shadow Puppet Fun for Kids of All Ages: Enhanced with Practical Paper Pastimes 
by Bud Banis PhD (Author), Elizabeth Adams (Contributor)

  • Paperback: 120 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (February 2, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1481954229
  • ISBN-13: 978-1481954228
Remember that drum set you bought your nephew for Christmas a few years ago? Your brother does. Aside from being expensive, amusements like drum sets and pianos are hard to carry around with you and take many hours of painful practice to learn. In Me and My Shadows there is a gift that is easy to learn, educational, physically beneficial, and always "right at hand" to provide amusement. It is fueled by your imagination. Buy this book. Give it to your nephew for his birthday. Buy several. Don't neglect your niece. Your relatives will be pleased and excited by this gift that will give endless pleasure and amusement to children of all ages. Where else could you find something this good? It's even a perfect gift to give to yourself! Think of the hours of enjoyment you can have by developing a few simple skills and having the portfolio of characters in this book at your command! Me and My Shadows is now even better with practical paper pastimes to amuse, entertain, and impress� timeless simple treasures for children to remember fondly� and share in turn with their grandchildren. Imagine visiting friends and being an immediate hit with either hand shadow characters or simple practical paper pastimes. Great for scouts, babysitters, or just bonding on rainy afternoons. Be an expert in amusement! Me and My Shadows is much better than a drum set and, for many, will bring back memories of a simpler time when entertainment was in your own hands.

  Virginia Mayo--The Best Years  of My Life, as told to LC Van Savage BeachHouse Books paperback 7X10, 300 pp includes more than 60 photos.  ISBN: 1-888725-53-2  $18.95     Virginia Clara Jones, born in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1920, never wanted to play the usual childhood games with her chums; she only wanted to "play show." And indeed as a child, she did appear in many shows in and around St. Louis. As Virginia grew into her teen years, she began to dream of dancing and singing at the "Muny Opera" in St. Louis, and eventually she achieved that. From there, the beautiful teenager joined a Vaudeville troupe in a very successful act called "Pansy the Horse," and it was then that Virginia Jones became Virginia Mayo. Virginia went from the Muny, to Vaudeville, to films and the stage, but it was in films where the world saw and learned to love her the most. Equally talented in all acting genres, Virginia's musicals are her most memorable and were the ones she loved, and loved to perform in, above all others. Her talent and beauty were so dazzling, the Sultan of Morocco was prompted to send a letter to the studio heads of Warner Brothers saying "Virginia Mayo is tangible proof of the existence of God." "I just put my head down and did the work. All I ever wanted in my life was to do the work." This became her show business credo. Virginia Mayo "played show," did the work and did it well. Numerous photos

To Norma Jeane with Love, Jimmie by Jim Dougherty (Author), LC Van Savage (Narrator) 

From the Back Cover

I guess more words have been written about my first wife, my beloved Norma Jeane Baker, than perhaps have been written about a great many other people who have become famous.

Even after she became Marilyn Monroe, and long after her death, the words keep coming and coming. They'll never stop.

Sometimes the words liken Norma Jeane to a caterpillar becoming a beautiful and fragile butterfly, but that's not true.

Norma Jeane was always a butterfly. She was beautiful all of her life, within and without. During our courtship and marriage I never stopped loving to be with her, to stare at her, to laugh with and love her. We had a wonderful, joyful marriage.

But in the end, it was not enough for Norma Jeane. Like all beautiful butterflies, she had to fly away.

The difference between the millions of other words written and the ones within this book is simple; mine are not conjecture. Mine are not research. My words are true because I was there.

I had the honor and privilege to have lived the experience. The words in this book are all true, because Norma Jeane Baker was my wife. --- Jim Dougherty

About the Author

James Dougherty was the first husband of Norma Jeane Baker, later known as the famous actress, Marilyn Monroe


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